The 12 Months of 2021

Growing up, on New Year’s Eve we always sat down as a family and wrote our best and worst of the year and an intention or resolution for the New Year. I always loved this time to reflect and think about what was important to me. It was simple. Even if I didn’t actually follow through, just taking the time to reflect and get clarity was huge. Small realistic changes, when added up can have a big impact on your happiness and feeling of purpose and fulfillment. It’s something that I lost in my late teens and just recently reconnected with, and it has been life-changing for me. We all have things we’d like to do and accomplish in life, but taking the action of writing them down brings you one step closer to bringing it to reality. And I now like to call them goals or rituals instead of resolutions or intentions.

I have switched the process a bit this year in order to keep it digestible, accessible, and realistic. I’d like to share this process with you as inspiration for your New Years’ ritual. This year I have decided to dedicate my energy to just one goal per month. This allows you to change your life bit by bit each month so you can put your full focus on one thing at a time. Breaking the process down to one goal per month makes it more obtainable and allows you to actually create new habits along the way. Take this time to get to know yourself better, understand what makes you happy, and to have things to look forward to each month of 2021 (I know we all need something to look forward to after 2020!). Focus on things that connect you with your dharma… to why you are here in the first place.

Here’s how:

  1. Start by just writing down a list of the things you want to do, that make you happy, and that will lead you towards the type of person you are striving to be and the type of life you want to live. It’s ok to be general here. For me, this year the list is: Meditate, read books, increase Sattva, really dive into my codependency work, connect with my inner child, progress spiritually, cook from my cookbooks, read over my old notes, get creative, be a good parent, save money, work on my writing and sharing my knowledge, move my body, and unplug more. These are obviously very general, but we will hone them down and then sort them into months that make sense in the following steps. See if you can get around twelve goals down.

  2. Write down why you want to do each thing. Why is each goal important to you? What do you want to gain or accomplish in the long run? Take my goal of wanting to unplug for example. I want to do this so that I can be more present with myself, my family, and not waste time scrolling when I could do something else that would make me way happier.

  3. Now get specific. So I want to unplug. This could really mean anything. For me, I will place my phone in one location and only use it there when actively using it (no scrolling or shows!). This makes it a reality and forces you to really think about how you will implement it. So the important part here is to make it realistic (not saying I will not use my phone at all for the month = unrealistic) and also deciding when you plan to do it or how you plan to implement it. So in this case I decided to only use my phone for texting, photos, or Instagram posts in one location that requires me to stand up. Remember, you will feel better if you are able to keep your goals, so make them realistic. That way if you end up doing more, it will feel extra amazing! Do this step for all of your goals.

  4. Pick which months you will put energy towards each ritual. My goal of unplugging will be what I focus on in June. This does not mean that I have to wait till June to do it, but it does mean that during the month of June I make that my focus and priority. Take into consideration the season as well. I purposefully scheduled more reflective goals for the colder months and things like physical activity during the warmer months. So if one of your goals is to hike Mount Washington, you’d want to take into account which month is best to do that - and then once it’s already on your calendar, your that much more likely to do it! (You can see my list in full below along with tips for inspiration). If you have less than twelve, decide which one may need more than one month and put it in for two (eg. losing 10 lbs), and if you have more than 12, see if you can bring some goals together to form one.

  5. Put reminders of your goals/intentions all over the house and in your calendar. Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, fridge, in your office, etc. Make it visible and pretty to look at so you don’t just forget about it. Create an affirmation to go along with it if you want. This will also allow anyone else in your home to see your intentions and can help to keep you on track and engaged. Also, be sure to put each goal into your digital/paper calendar as well for each month.

  6. Get excited! You did it! Now you have made time to do what you love and what will help you grow. You have thought about what it will entail and have put reminders up. This process of writing and thinking alone has started a path to understanding yourself better. You have planted little seeds that can now grow each month that you “water” them with your time and energy. Just be sure that you have all the materials you will need for each month ahead of time. See my 2021 goals list below for inspiration as well as some tips :)

A bit of advice. . .

Below I have organized and listed each of my 2021 goals by months of the year. I have listed specifically how I will carry them out, and why they are important to me. I already feel so empowered knowing that I have a plan for the new year where I can focus on one thing at a time and then build upon it in the upcoming months. Some of these goals have been on my list for the last few years and there is a reason those goals are still on my list! This year I have a real-life plan on accomplishing them and it’s already scheduled. This whole process probably took me 1-2 hours, which if you think of it isn’t much time at all in the big picture, and is time extremely well spent!

Now, remember that you are a different person than I am and have different goals and interests. For me, I am a householder, healer, and seeker, so those areas will be my main focus. And since I have a three-year-old, my free time subsists of 2-3 hours mid-day while my son naps and 1 hour or so after he goes to bed, so my free time is limited. If you live alone, work full time, or are retired, etc. it will be different for you, so take where you are in life into account. But even if you only spent 30 minutes a day on your goal or ritual, it would equal 15+ hours for the month and will give you something to focus on. If you do it for 1 hour per day, you will have put in a full 30+ hours towards creating a new habit. Remember that we are all living in pretty extraordinary circumstances right now with COVID so take that into account as well when writing your list. This will be what you turn to when you are bored, want to feel better about yourself, or when you need to fill up your own well.

These goals do not define all that you will accomplish in 2021. You can of course work on other projects, rituals, or goals as well. These are more things that may take time to engrain as a new habit (eg. exercise) or that take time to complete (eg. reading a book). When deciding on what you will choose for each month, it can be helpful to think SMART:

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).

  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).

  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).

  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic, result-based).

  • Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time-sensitive).

I have also tied an affirmation into each month’s goal because, well, I love affirmations :) I plan on putting a new affirmation up each month to keep me motivated and say it to myself throughout the day (I find in front of a mirror is most effective). There is something to be said for saying things in the present tense that is empowering. Feel free to do that as well if you are so inspired!

Book Bonus: I love to read and always seem to have a pile of half-read books by my nightstand that I never finish. For me, this was a goal that wouldn’t fit into one month, so instead, I picked a book to read each month that ties into my monthly goal. I read before bed for at least 30 minutes so that gives me enough time to get through one book per month and has the added bonus on not allowing me to get sucked into my phone (which now lives in the bathroom while I sleep!).

My Goals for 2021

THE FORMULA: Month + Goal + Affirmation + Intention + Action + Why it’s important to me. BONUS BOOKS: I also added in reading one book per month (30 min before bed).

  1. JANUARY: Increase sattva. “My mind is peaceful, my body is balanced, I eat pure foods, and connect with my higher power”

    This month I will focus on increasing sattva in my life. I will wear light colors (no black or brown), use sattvic essential oils (lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, and rose) in my diffuser, practice abhyanga 4 times weekly, listen to Kirtan daily while doing household chores, meditate for 12 minutes each day after lunch or dinner, have lights out by 10 pm and cook and eat only sattvic foods, using Kate O’Donnell’s cookbook, Everyday Ayurvedic Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind as my recipe inspiration guide. I am doing this to create more peace, balance, and clarity in my life so I can be healthier in mind, body, and soul.

    BOOK: The Journey Home, Radhanath Swami

  2. FEBRUARY: Explore creativity. “I give myself room for expression and today am making time to create”

    For at least 30 minutes each day, I will do something creative and will record for how long and what I create in my creativity journal. This could be painting, drawing, coloring books, drawing on my iPad, making jewelry, or using my sewing machine. Channel my inner child, have fun, and let go of expectations. I will do this during my son’s nap or after he goes to bed at night. I am doing this to reconnect with my creative self, explore what brings me joy, and allow my mind to focus on one thing that makes me happy.

    BOOK: The Path to Happiness by Dr. Partap Chauhan & Jessica Richmond

  3. MARCH: Inner child work. “I am worthy, divine, and beautiful”

    Talk to little me each day, even for just a minute (acknowledge her and say hi). Journal when I am feeling triggered. Continue to do the work with my therapist each week. Start to read The Emotionally Absent Mother and work on assignments for 45 min each day. I am doing this so that I can replace past trauma with healing, validating, nurturing love. By doing this I will be my best self, able to live in the moment and not bring my issues into my relations and I will be able to be the best mother I can be to my son.

    BOOK: Recovery of Your Inner Child: The Highly Acclaimed Method for Liberating Your Inner Self by Lucia Capacchione

  4. APRIL: Be the best parent I can be right now for my son. “Being a good mother is the most important sacred role that I have”

    Schedule three parenting sessions this month with my therapist, complete the Positive Parenting Course online, focus on making Clark healthy meals, model self-care through my own habits, and take time to be completely present with him (no phone!) for at least 1 hour a day doing an activity of his choice. I am doing this so that my son will be happy, feel loved, and to take advantage of this extremely important age between birth and 5 years of age when so much occurs developmentally.

    BOOK: Perfect Health for Kids: Ten Ayurvedic Health Secrets Every Parent Must Know by John Douillard

  5. MAY: Focus on my daily spiritual practice (Sadhana). “I trust in Divine, omniscient intelligence to which I am always connected”

    This month is about focusing on loving service; following my Sadhana guidebook and offering Seva. I will listen to 30 minutes of lecture each day, practice yoga for 15 minutes followed by 15 minutes of meditation (while Clark naps), and read over notes from past workshops. I will cook and eat foods from my cookbook The Best of Lord Krishna’s Cuisine by Yamuna Devi for all my meals and partake in my seasonal Ayurvedic detox. I am doing this so that I can progress spiritually and connect to my higher power for guidance and love.

    BOOK: The Yoga of Dejection by Satyanarayana Dasa

  6. JUNE: Unplug, be mindful, and kind. “I am fully awake and alive in each moment of my life”

    For this month I will unplug from my phone. I will leave cell my phone in one place (bathroom while asleep, kitchen counter while on the first floor, in the bathroom when upstairs, or on railing if on the third floor), only looking at it when I am actively using it (texting, talking, posting on social media, taking a photo) - in that one place. If I’m away from home, only use the phone to take a photo or talk. Otherwise, I will be present and unplugged! I will also be more aware of speaking, asking myself first “is it true, is it kind, and is it necessary?”

    BOOK: I Hear You: The Surprisingly Simple Skill Behind Extraordinary Relationships by Michael S. Sorensen

  7. JULY: Prioritize moving my body. “My body is my sacred vessel, taking care of it will allow me to carry out my work to the best of my ability”

    Each week, take 1 yoga class (Monday night - 1.5 hrs), 1 strength class (Wednesday morning - 30 min), 1 cardio class (Sunday morning - 30 min), and hike once a week for at least one hour. I am doing this so that I feel strong, my body stays healthy, and my mind can stay calm.

    BOOK: More Plants, Less Waste: Plant-Based Recipes + Zero Waste Life Hacks with Purpose by Max La Manna

  8. AUGUST: No spending money. “I already have everything I need"

    Unless it’s a literal bill for our house or car, I won’t be spending. Talk with my therapist about why sticking to a budget is so hard for me and do the work on understanding why I do that in the first place. Then come up with a plan and budget that works for my family. This month I will not buy anything new. Make do or do without!

    BOOK: The Science of Mind Management by Swami Mukundananda

  9. SEPTEMBER: Read over my notes. “I am a smart and intelligent person”

    I will spend 45 minutes each day reading over my notes from past trainings and workshops, taking new notes when so inspired. I am doing this to gain new insights and to reconnect with my passions of Yoga and Ayurvedic healing.

    BOOK: The Everyday Ayurveda Guide to Self-Care: Rhythms, Routines, and Home Remedies for Natural Healing by Kate O’Donnell and Cara Brostrom

  10. OCTOBER: Finish my pregnancy manual. “I share my talents with the world by writing”

    Read over it, edit it, and publish it on my website or send it to publishers. I will work on this during Clark’s nap time or in the evening. I am doing this because I love to write, help others, and want to share everything that I have learned with other families about this important process.

    BOOK: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

  11. NOVEMBER: Complete the CoDa Workbook step questions. “God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”

    I will read through the workbook questions and do at least 40 minutes of journaling work on them each day.

    BOOK: Codependents Anonymous

  12. DECEMBER: Type and print my favorite recipes and put them into a binder. “Cooking helps me to heal, connect, and be creative”

    I will keep it super simple, no need for photos. Have a 3 ringed binder with sections: breakfast, lunch, dinner, sweets, drinks, apps, and snacks. I am doing this so that cooking and choosing healthy meals I know I enjoy will be easier for me. This also will help me in creating recipe posts and bring me one step closer to the possibility of a cookbook one day. All I will have to do is look at my binder for inspiration when I am hungry.

    BOOK: The Mastery of The Self by don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Feeling lost? Here are some of the most popular new years resolutions that people in America had for 2019 and 2020 along with some ideas on how to accomplish them.

  1. Loose weight - Commit to seeing a personal trainer or using your Peleton 3-4x per week for 30 minutes. Make an appointment with a health counselor or dietician at the start of the month. Buy portion control plates and use them the whole month. Make a realistic goal of losing 3-6 lbs that month.

  2. Exercise more - Every morning take 30 minutes to go for a walk, do yoga, run, or do a workout video. Make a goal of being active for 30 minutes for 3-4 days out of the week. Find a buddy to go on weekly hikes with and use the All Trails App to find new places to explore without getting lost (it also tracks your exercise and calories burned).

  3. Eat healthily - Make an appointment with a health coach or nutritionist for the start of the month. Sign up for a meal service that month like Sun Basket or Purple Carrot and don’t get any takeout. Make your own meals for the whole month. Eat only 3 meals a day while sitting mindfully and no snacking that month between meals. Eat healthy 6 days of the week, and allow Sunday to be “cheat day”.

  4. Quit smoking - Join a smoking cessation group (everything is easier when you do it with others). Put the money you would spend on cigarettes into your savings account that month. Find a new habit to replace smoking (like drinking tea or EFT tapping). Get a therapist. Sign up for smoke-free texts. Decide to quit in February and only let yourself smoke if your in a t-shirt and sandals outside. Go to Nicotine Annonymous meetings online.

  5. Drink less - Before every alcoholic drink, have a large glass of water. Cut your drinking down by 1/3 each week and the amount you drink by 1/2. Try and connect with why your drinking in the first place. Go to AA meetings online once per week.

  6. Save money / spend less - Use Mint, Pocket Guard, or other budgeting apps. Stop using Amazon or buying online for the month. Don’t buy anything new that month. Automatically move a certain amount of money into your savings each month. Sign up for full amount autopay on your credit cards. Hide your credit cards somewhere annoying to get to. Set a budget and specific savings goals. Only allow yourself to buy things one day per week.

  7. Organize home - Read Marie Kondo’s book and get to tidying! Pick one room/category per week to organize. Each morning clean for 30 minutes. If you haven’t used it in the last year, get rid of it (trash, recycle, donate). Each time you use something, put it back in it’s “home”, if it doesnt’ have one find one, or toss it.

  8. Find a new hobby / learn something new - Knitting, hiking, art, DYI household items, board games, reading, scrapbooking, photo album, journaling, cooking, investing, community events online, blogging, yoga, writing, learn calligraphy, workout online, meditation, needlework, learn a new instrument, essential oils class online, make your own soap, learn photoshop, takeup photography, makeup tutorial online, go waste-free at home, learn about botany, foster an animal, learn a new language…the possibilities are endless!.

  9. Be less stressed - (Take up meditation by using the Insight Timer App. Go for daily nature walks. Practice the Indian art of abhyanga. Give yourself the gift of relaxing for 10 minutes per day. Create a nighttime self-care ritual before bed. Exercise weekly. Lights out by 10 pm. Take a supplement like ashwagandha, magnesium, or Brahmi. Use essential oils like lavender, neroli, or sandalwood in a diffuser in your home. Start a gratitude journal you write in each day. Read affirmations to yourself in the mirror each morning and night. Take yoga online (it’s so easy to do right now!). Practice making boundaries and saying no. Listen to relaxing music by Jeffrey Thompson on Spotify while doing activities. Practice nadi shodhana pranayama aka alternate nostril breathing for 5-10 minutes each day.

Why do this now? Because it’s New Years’, many other people will be doing something similar in terms of creating goals and resolutions. It is always easier to do things with others since we are social animals. So take advantage of this time and the general mindset of the people around you - I promise you won’t regret making new goals! And remember this journey within itself is the destination. By doing this and taking action you will feel more motivated, learn more about yourself, grow, trust, and believe in yourself more. You will also positively impact those around you through your actions. If you don’t stick with a goal after the month or forget about it for a few days, that’s ok too, remember to be gentle with yourself and think progress, not perfection. All you can do is your best at the end of each day. If you do not have time to write your list before new years eve, just do it by the end of the first week of January, as again, it will only take you an hour or two. Below are some books to help inspire you :)

My favorite books on goal setting, habits, getting things done, and manifesting a life you love:

  • You can heal your life by Louise Hay

  • Eat That Frog: 21Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy

  • Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

  • How to Find Fulfilling Work by Roman Krznaric

And if you are into supporting smaller businesses when buying your books, here’s a list of a few that are NOT Amazon. There are probably many more books on these subjects, but these are the ones I have read and found really helpful. If you have any life-changing books you’d like to share, please let me know! I always love to learn more.

Any of you in need of help in clarifying, creating, or starting this process, reach out to me for a one on one consult - sometimes it’s easier to have someone else help you and in an hour or two we can do your whole list! I will also be posting about my goal progress on my Facebook Haripriya Wellness and Instagram @haripriyawellness, so be sure to follow me!

With Love,



Hilary Bent-Mullings